How it works:
For help or questions, contact one of our Freedom Fighters - Curtis, Ted, Brian at [email protected].
- ASK God to show you one area of your life from which you need to be freed.
- GET a copy of the book "Freedom Starts Today". Watch the explanation video.
- PRAY EVERY MORNING and ask God for freedom.
- READ DAILY the Bible passage and thoughts outlined in the book Freedom Starts Today. (Start Day 1 in the book on July 1 to synchronize with others.)
- REPORT DAILY your freedom fight to a friend. You will need to find someone who you can report to daily about your commitment (text, phone, or something simple).
- THANK GOD DAILY at bedtime for victory.
- JOIN the Monday night Support Group as you are available. 7:30 PM at Sturgeon Valley Baptist Church (available by Zoom by requesting access to [email protected]).
For help or questions, contact one of our Freedom Fighters - Curtis, Ted, Brian at [email protected].